Project: Eurban

Eurban’s Built 1:1 book and exhibition at the Building Centre

Agency: Inventory

Role: Designer

Eurban wanted to celebrate their 10th year anniversary by putting on a show featuring 10 of their most innovative builds at a scale of 1 to 1.

Two books titled Work and Built were produced to coincide with the exhibition. Work catalogued each build with technical drawings, black and white imagery and essays. The layout was inspired by construction, with the text flowing around images, always anchored to the bottom of the grid. Built was about Eurban’s journey as a whole, using coloured images with the content anchored to the top of the grid.

Each cover was blind debossed with the title printed.

A 1cm thick spruce board was screenprinted with a technical breakdown of the wood as well as the cross laminated technology.

The brief for the show set by Eurban’s team was clear. They wanted a straight forward, clean and functional design that did not detract the audience from what was being exhibited. The walls and plinths were painted black, allowing the imagery and 1 to 1 replica models to have as much precedence as possible. Typography was used to set a clean baseline across the exhibition space.