I'm an art director with a background in graphic design working across branding, social media, print and digital. TCA • Branding Brewdog • Art Direction Rayban • Photography DSWC • Branding Shooting an online branded editorial Branding a watersports centre in the heart of London Zebra • Branding Eurban • Graphic Design Zebra Eurban Branding an online only plant-based food delivery service Designing Eurban’s Built 1:1 book and exhibition ORKO SnarkyJS Branding a UK based LED manufacturer Branding a Web 3.0 blockchain project Avaider • Art Direction Samsung • Art Direction Avaider Samsung Brand launch social campaign Samsung’s ‘Find your flow’ climate control campaign KDVI • Graphic Design Sky News • Graphic Design KDVI Sky News Designing workbooks for the Kets De Vries Institute Designing an exhibition about frontline reporting by Sky News Brewdog TCA Planet Pale social campaign Branding an online exercise apparel company DSWC Rayban ORKO • Branding SnarkyJS • Branding